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Piano Day Pittsburgh on Mount Washington Grandview Overlooks

Here is the schedule for Sunday, September 15 up on Mount Washington. Start times are approximate. Everything is weather permitting. Follow PianoDay Pittsburgh on Facebook for any last minute news updates.

Shiloh Street Overlook. Also called Patrick T. Fagan Overlook.

5:00 Craig Zinger

5:15 Karl Bailey

5:30 Mary Ann Rhis

5:45 Piano Students of Jimmy Liu

7:00 David Gurwin

7:30 Roy Xiong

7:45 Public play until teardown

Site Manager: AE Honick. Piano: Steinway M (Midnight)

Carnegie Library Overlook. AKA Paul F. Jones Overlook.

5:00 Tony Felice

5:15 Patrick Gilmore

5:30 Stephanie Pham

5:45 Kristel Davis

6:00 Piano Students of Luis Hernandez

6:30 Rich Grecco

6:45 Glenn Lewis

7:00 Kevin Sun

7:30 Public play until teardown

Site Manager: Randy Mangus. Piano: Kawai Artist Grand Piano