WZUM will broadcast our first-ever on air pledge drive from May 16-25. Our goal for the month of May is to raise at least $50,000 in support from new, renewing and additional gift givers.
Your gift by credit card or check, will be a big help this month. Contribute online through the “Donate Now” button, or send a check to:
PO Box 456
South Park, PA, 15129
We also suggest a “Challenge” gift, one which can be either a conditional gift or an additional gift, based on matching a fundraising goal met by others. Challenges by ongoing supporters like you can generate more financial support by helping prompt other, first-time contributors to follow your lead and support WZUM!
For WZUM's Spring Fund Drive, no mugs or tote-bags. It's all about Pittsburgh and Jazz.
There are legions of great artists in the past present and future of jazz who have strong roots in Pittsburgh. To start our salute of them, we've selected a few gems that reflect just a few of the great talents of our region. We've even added a project that ties together the sounds of jazz and the iconic photography of Teenie Harris!
Read more about the thank you gifts, here!