Antonio Hart, Erik Lawrence, Shawn Purcell and more on The Scene on WZUM

Thursday night at 6, at noon on Friday and Saturday, and Sunday at 5 - more on jazz homecomings and visitors to the Pittsburgh Scene - and tidings of great jazz!

We continue our conversation with Pittsburgh original Shawn Purcell, coming to Con Alma for the late show on November 30th. Shawn grew up around Pittsburgh (he’s the son of trombonist Randy Purcell), but lives in the DC area, now. He was back in Pittsburgh in October for a performance with the US Navy Commodores Jazz Band at Soldiers and Sailors in Oakland - and he’ll be back “home” at the end fo the month for the gig in Shadyside. We chatted with Shawn, and also have music from his new CD.

Back in August, saxophonist Erik Lawrence was back in town for a number of gigs - and outside of what became a jam session with Reggie Watkins and Branford Marsalis, we had a chat with Erik about some of his special Pittsburgh connections.

Also music from active performances in the scene - John Pizzarelli and Catherine Russell at MCG Jazz November 22; Saxophonist Erik Lawrence headlining a night of Music and Experimental Theater at the James Simon Studio, Uptown, also on the 22nd; and Antonio Hart with his Sextet for Kente Arts at the New Hazlett Theater, December 7th.

There are at least 19 jazz-related events on Friday, November 22nd - and that doesn’t count the overnight late-set from 12:30-4am on the 23rd with Miss Freddye’s Homecooking Trio for Pitt Stop Lindy Hop at the 20th Century Club!

All tolled, the Pittsburgh jazz happenings in November now add up to more than 250 jazz events - and that’s with a very light music lineup on Thanskgiving Day (all we know about for now is Hakim Rasheed at Eddie V’s - but send us an email if you know about more!).

A reminder - Jazz Central is a great place to keep up with so much great music on the Scene!

Tune in Thursday at 6, Friday and Saturday at noon and Sunday night at 5 - the Scene on WZUM with Scott Hanley

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Erik Lawrence, left - with the Levin Brothers

Erik Lawrence, left - with the Levin Brothers

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Antonio Hart

Antonio Hart