September Swings in Pittsburgh - Chelsea Baratz, Nicholas Payton and PIJF Previews on the Scene

Chelsea Baratz

September Swings in Pittsburgh, including the Pittsburgh International Jazz Festival. We visit with saxophonist and South Hills native Chelsea Baratz, bandleader Oscar Hernandez, trumpeter/pianist Nicholas Payton - and also check in with pianist Aaron Diehl - performing September 11th for Chamber Music Pittsburgh.

Chelsea Baratz shares stories about growing up in Pittsburgh’s South Hills, her first jam session with Roger Humphries and a teenager, how living in New York during Covid led her to a new vocal project, and what’s in the works with her newest recording.

For Aaron Diehl, his love for music has no boundaries - leading him to work in the chamber music form on September 11th as well as being a respected jazz player around the world. His newest project is the revival of a rare chamber music arrangement by Mary Lou Williams of her Zodiac Suite.

Brandon George and Aaron Diehl

Trumpeter Nicholas Payton is very broad in his musical approach, and also in his instrumentation choices - from trumpet to keyboard and even bass. His years in New Orleans included influences from his musical parents as well as many others - and Clark Terry opened even more doors and ears.

Grammy winning Pianist and bandleader Oscar Hernández with the Spanish Harlem Orchestra has had decades of musical experiences, including work with legends like Eddie Palmeri, Tito Puente and Celia Cruz (including a quick introduction on short notice trip to Toronto to accompany Celia Cruz when Hernández was just 21).

Hear about it all - on the Scene - Thursday at 6 - Friday and Saturday at noon - Sunday at 5 on WZUM

Other Jazz Scene Reminders:

Nicholas Payton

Vocalist, songwriter, bandleader, visual artist Carmen Lundy plays the New Hazlett for Kente Arts Sept 9th - with a trio that features her brother, notable bassist Curtis Lundy.

Piano Day Pittsburgh - is 3pm Saturday September 9th.

Spanish Harlem Orchestra