If you are looking for a jazz holiday in Pittsburgh - there’s a lot to choose from this summer!
One summer traveler visiting Pittsburgh this summer is saxophonist Daniel Bennett - he’s in from New York on tour with his new release, playing the Eastridge Cultural Center, August 2nd. We visited about the new one, and he share some musical stories, and also his connection with the Pittsburgh Pirates.
Vocalist and songwriter Phat Man Dee has company coming - vocalist and mentor George V Johnson Jr. They play Con Alma, August 3rd for the late set, celebrating Pittsburgh native Eddie Jefferson and the art of Vocalese. We talked with Mandy and George about how they began to collaborate, and George shared his own origin story and how he was mentored by Eddie Jefferson.
There’s much more going on in the Pittsburgh scene - and you can delve deeper at the Jazz Central Calendar.
We play a tiny sampling more on the program -
A tribute from Tony Campbell to Nina Simone coming Sunday night the 28th at City Winery in the Strip
The Scene - Thursday night at 6, Friday at Saturday at noon, Sunday at 5 on WZUM.
Kevin Hailey, Daniel Bennett, Koko Bermejo